Saturday, November 1, 2008

Diabetes update!!! DAY ONE, TWO,THREE

Went to the doctor for my three month blood work and check up to see how well I have been doing. Great news every thing seems to be under control, by blood sugar averaged 104 (70 is low, over 120 is high) my triglycerides went from 1200 to 102 (normal) blood pressure went from high to….yep you guessed it normal (sorry I can’t remember the numbers) body weight went from 310 lb to 264 lb.

Medication?? I have been taking two pills one is Janumet 50-500 mg for the diabetes and Tricor 145 mg for the triglycerides. I have not seen any real side affects from the drugs except for the drain on my pocket book, both cost around 90 dollars each a month (ouch!!!) I talked to the doctor about getting off the drugs, and he said I should stay on them for at least 90 more days until my next check up…hmm, well it just so happen I ran out of both pills a few days after the doctor visit, so I decided to try a little experiment, using my body as a test subject.

The experiment, I going to try and go two weeks with no medication and see what happens to my blood sugar. I plan on tighten up and already good diet, to a near perfect diet, I rather be on a more strict diet than have to take pills, I hate taking any kind of drugs…its just something I don’t feel good about, but I will if my blood sugar starts to rise. Even on the medication this month my blood sugar has moved up a little to an average of 107, I think this is due to slacking up on the diet a little.

The GYM, I have been back in the gym for around a month now, lifting 5 days a week on my lunch hour, this takes a little getting use to, this only gives me about 45 minutes per workout, I use to workout around a hour and half everyday so I’m having to pick up the pace, to get in and out on a lunch hour. I lift alone due to time but I go to the gym with by two buddies from work Matt (the hammer) Roland and Eric (mad man) Taylor, both are really getting into lifting…I think I have them hooked. Ha-ha.

The FOOD, I started my experiment Friday October 31, 2008 (Halloween…biggest sugar day of all…there is candy everywhere around here) the plan, I’m going to post everything I eat each day (good and bad) and post a photo. I’m not going to worry to much about the fat content as I will be eating a lot of nuts and peanut butter that are loaded in fat but in my eyes and most nutritionist, good fat, these foods also help me get the protein I need to build muscle that in return burns fat.
October 31, 2008

Woke up at 4:20am, got ready for work around 5:30am I took my blood sugar 150 (what the heck!!!) this is the second highest I’ve had in 3 months. The good news is I know what caused it, the night before I ate a 6 inch subway ham and cheese on wheat bread, I’m not sure what my daughter had put on it and I’m sure that is what made my blood sugar go up.
Time for breakfast, I eat almost the same thing every morning, with one exception this time, I am out of pepper jack cheese and I had to use a slice of American cheese (not my favorite , I like the harder cheese)

Bodyweight 264 lb
5:30 am...Two cups of coffee with 2 sweet n low and creamer…half of a whole wheat bagel, with a slice of America cheese.

10:00am…One stalk of celery with one tea spoon of peanut butter, two cups of water

11:30am…gym, worked biceps and forearms

1:00pm…one cup of grilled chicken, peppers, onions and a squash, seasoned with tony seasoning, two cups of water.

3:00pm… One stalk of celery with one tea spoon of peanut butter and one boiled egg, two cups of water.

5:00pm… cup of grilled chicken, peppers, onions and a squash, seasoned with tony seasoning, cup of diet coke.

6:50pm…Blood sugar…97

7:00pm…snack, half a bag of pop corn with just salt, cup of diet coke.
Done that was the last meal of the night, and yea I know what you are thinking…but not one piece of Halloween candy went into my mouth. Ha-ha.

DAY TWO…November 01, 2008

Bodyweight 262 lb
7:50am…blood sugar-88
8:00am… Two cups of coffee with 2 sweet n low and creamer…half of a whole wheat bagel, with a slice of America cheese.

11:00am…two boiled eggs, cup of water.

2:00pm…one half of a McDonald’s grilled chicken salad with one serving of Kraft free thousand island dressing, topped off with one boiled egg. One cup of diet coke.
5:00am…I went to the grocery store (yea, I do a lot of shopping around here) on the way out I ate a Slim Jim (beef and cheese stick)

6:00pm…the wife and I just were not hungry, so we split a bag of popcorn
Done, no more food that night.
9:00pm…blood sugar-104

DAY THREE…November 2, 2008
Bodyweight…258 lb
6:50am…Blood sugar…98
7:00am…Two cups of coffee with 2 sweet n low and creamer…half of a whole wheat bagel, with a half of slice of pepper jack cheese and two scrambled eggs.

10:30am…handful of walnuts

1:00pm…one half of a Macalister grilled chicken salad and a small diet coke.

3:30pm…the other half of a Macalister grilled chicken salad and a small diet sprite.

6:00pm…another handful of walnuts and two cups of coffee, with cream and sweet n low.

Done eating for the night.
7:00pm…blood sugar…149 Wow!! I was not expecting that, but I think I know what may have happen. The salad I ate, I order a fat free dressing, but I told my wife while I was eating it that it tasted very good…maybe to good…I wonder if the restaurant messed up the order and gave me the regular dressing. Tomorrow is Monday and I plan on only eating things I know for sure are sugar free.

1 comment:

Kellye said...

Good for you Al! A lot of people would rather continue taking meds and eat what they want...I like your methods better! I'm with you on not taking drugs...if it ain't a vitamin, I don't really want it! Keep up the good work!

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