Saturday, February 19, 2011

A day in the life…Big Al’s Bodybuilding FOOD!!!

Ok, I keep getting e-mail request on what I’m eating on an average day now that I’m back in the gym.

So I decided it would be easier just to post the answer to my blog…here goes.

I wake up around 4:30am, get out of bed at 4:45am and drink a couple of scoops of  JACK3D with around 16 oz of water to get me going. Then I make a beeline straight to the kitchen to fill up my favorite two cup, coffee cup,

I sip on this on the way to the gym (about a 15 minute drive). My workout buddy, Donny (the animal) Bridges, is always sitting in the parking lot waiting on me as I pull up (NOTE: I DID BEAT HIM THERE THIS MORNING, BY ABOUT THIRTY SECONDS, it still counts, I win. Ha-ha)

 we start our workout at 5:30am sharp, we finish somewhere around 6:45am.

Then it is time for my first meal of the day. I usually have some form of a protein shake either homemade or store bought. Today it was store bought, my bride brought home the other day an eight pack of Muscle Milk

so I grabbed one out of the fridge and drank it on my drive home around 7:00am.

After getting to work, I drank another shake, made with 25 grams of protein, half banana, quarter cup of oatmeal, one scoop of peanut butter and about eight ounces of 2 percent milk all blended together then poured into an empty water bottle for easy traveling. (About 9:30am)

Third meal comes around 10:00 to 10:30am which is about 4 ounces of baked chicken with a serving of butter beans. (I normally have brown rice mixed with the beans, but my son Myles found out the night before he liked brown rice too…as they say, the rest was history. Ha-ha.)

Fourth meal (this is where I tend to get off track sometimes) 12:00pm (lunch) a co-worker, David and I usually go somewhere to eat, today it was the Roly Poly,

I had a 6” smokehouse turkey wrap.

Fifth meal (around 3:00pm), the other half (meal three) of my baked chicken and beans.

Sixth meal, (around 5:00pm) another protein shake like meal two.

Meal seven (around 7:00pm) came a little later than usual, as we have been putting in crazy hours at work lately. Truth be told it was my night to cook for the next few days so I was cooking and eating at the same time, I just ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, on 9 grain whole wheat bread.

I find staying on track with your eating is a lot easier if you take a couple nights a week and cook up the basics food you need for the week…next few days menu, you ask? Baked chicken, butter beans and brown rice.

Till next time


weight lifting benches said...

Being physically fit is everybody's dream. With proper exercise and balanced diet you could possibly gain it. You must have your exercise plan to do in order to acquire the nice body posture result. You can consult a gym trainer about it.

Luna said...

States I’ve traveled to over the years

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