Saturday, May 25, 2013


I'm back, its been a long time...LONG time since my last post. Hopefully I'll be getting post out on a regular bases. Got a few new toys since my last post, new iMac computer and a Go-Pro Camera Black Edition.   It should make blogging a lot more fun. 

I’ve been spending a lot of my free time in the gym lately 

but the weather is warm now and time to dust off the old bike and get some rides in

and of course video taping and snapping photos along the way. I’ve done a complete remodel of the Compound (story soon) not to mention I’ve been to a bunch of Diner, Drive-in and Dives, yes lots of photos of all of them and stories to follow. 

That being said, stay tuned till next time.


States I’ve traveled to over the years

big als music